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Our Story (So Far...)

Our Story (So Far...)

Thank you for visiting our little "labor of love."  We're glad you found us!  Let me introduce ourselves and try - best I can - to share our journey and story as an LGBTQ+ family and the creation of Safe Space Pins.

My name is Guy Galli.  My wife, Natalie, and I are the parents of three great children... well... four, if we can count our wonderful son-in-law (and we do).

Our Family

Almost four years ago our lives changed - for the better, to be sure, but not without a wrestle.  When Brandon (in the black and white plaid shirt) came out and shared some of the feelings he had growing up, knowing he was gay, and unsure who would still love and accept him if they knew - including us - it broke my heart.  It also stirred and motivated me to do something - anything - to help other young men and women (and even those not-so-young) know that they are loved and accepted exactly the way loving Heavenly Parents created them.  Whether they are in or out of the proverbial "closet", I wanted to make a way to let them know they have a friend and ally at church - and everywhere else.

I felt inspired and worked at a feverish pace to design and create the four pin designs, create a little website, and then hope that others find these small, outward representations of a an inner commitment to love our LGBTQ+ children, friends, family, and loved ones.  And we have been humbled to tears to connect with so many of you, like-minded and like-hearted, courageous and unashamed to create safe spaces for all of us to grow closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Hearts will open and change as we lead by example in supporting and ministering to those who might feel marginalized.  This is what Christ did... this is what He asks us to do.  As my good friend and mentor (in so many ways), David Pruden, said so many years ago, (and during a time when many of his professional peers were trying to "fix" them), 

"They [LGBTQ+ youth] need to know that they are loved and valued for who they are right now.  Those of us who care deeply for young people must hold onto the knowledge that they are beloved of God, that they have special gifts that will enrich the world, and that their presence in our lives is a cause for celebration.  We must hold this understanding of their true identity as a child of God until they can hold it for themselves."  He went on to add, "They must feel welcome in our youth meetings, and we should seek opportunities to demonstrate our respect for them in the presence of others."

I believe that this last part is so vitally important, and it is something we can each do.  Is it scary?  Yes.  But will you discover that you are not along in your love and support?  Yes, most assuredly!

In addition to being a light to those who might need it most, I suspect these pins might also open doors to have these types of discussions with friends, neighbors, and ward members.  With each pin I send out I pray that they might touch even one heart, ease one troubled soul, even for a brief, precious moment.  From the deepest parts of our hearts, Thank You for everything you are doing to love and support our LGBTQ+ loved ones!

--Guy and Natalie Galli

"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work.  And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."  (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33)